Located in Greater Phoenix’s northwest valley, Surprise is a vibrant, business-friendly community that’s home to both growing, innovative companies and established, international headquarters. The city’s residents enjoy a diverse, connected community bursting with recreational amenities, desirable neighborhoods and direct access to all of Greater Phoenix.
Educated Population
Sixty-nine percent of Surprise residents have attended college.
Surprise is home to the 2023 World Champion Texas Rangers, Kansas City Royals, and the largest tennis complex in the Southwest.
Start Your Business
AZ TechCelerator, the city-owned incubator, offers 60,000 square feet of tools and resources for starting and cultivating your innovative business.
Source: AZTechCelerator
From 2005 to 2023, Surprise's population has grown by 72%.
Source: Lightcast 2023 Q3
In the last 5 years, Surprise has experienced 3.8M sqft of new commercial construction.
Source: Surprise
Surprise has over 30 employers with 100 or more employees.
Source: MAG 2022 Employer Database
Learn more about doing business in Surprise.
AZ TechCelerator
The AZ TechCelerator is a premier business incubator with a focus on technological innovation and entrepreneurship. The innovation hub provides entrepreneurial resources and space to help launch new tech ventures.