Brand Guide

Media Kit & Style Guide

Welcome to GPEC’s brand resource kit. Here you will find brand assets and corresponding guidelines for use.

Wordmark Logo

Primary Logo and Single Color Applications

In all possible instances use the primary two-color logo, featuring the full brand wordmark. When one-color application is required, use the black or white version of the primary logo design. The black logo should only be placed on light backgrounds and the white logo on dark backgrounds.

Click on logo to download, or download all here.

Greater Phoenix Economic Council

Color Palette

Primary Colors

R255 G64 B64
C0 M88 Y80 K0

GPEC Purple
R50 G41 B59
C75 M77 Y50 K54

R0 G0 B0
C0 M0 Y0 K100

Primary Color Shades

GPEC Red 60%
R244 G134 B111
C0 M59 Y54 K0

GPEC Red 40%
R248 G170 B149
C0 M40 Y36 K0<

GPEC Purple 60%
R99 G89 B102
C61 M61 Y44 K22

GPEC Purple 40%
R137 G128 B139
C49 M47 Y36 K4

Secondary Colors

R255 G160 B47
C0 M45 Y95 K0

R160 G214 B210
C36 M0 Y14 K0

Warm Gray
R224 G222 B216
1C2 M3 Y4 K5


Avenir Next

Primary font used across all branded materials and assets.

Open Sans

Secondary font used as a substitute when Avenir Next is not available, or for long-form paragraph styling.


Photo Credit: “Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC)”

Download GPEC stock images | Download Chris Camacho images

GPEC President & CEO Chris Camacho

GPEC Office

GPEC Office

GPEC Office

GPEC Office

GPEC Office

Greater Phoenix Economic Council Research and Analytics Business Development

GPEC Office

Social Media

Brand Pages & Groups


Mention and find us on Twitter using @GPEC. Follow our page for real-time Greater Phoenix news, original blogs and event updates.


Mention and find us on Instagram using @GreaterPHX. Follow our page for Greater Phoenix arts and culture, resident stories, hiring alerts and informative graphics.


Mention and find us on Facebook using @GreaterPHX. Follow us for the latest Greater Phoenix news, blogs and Regional Report webinar information.


Find and follow us on YouTube at to watch webinar and event recordings, and discover curated content from Greater Phoenix cities and companies.


Mention and find us on LinkedIn using @GreaterPHX. Follow our page for regional news, blogs and key information on new businesses, local VC funding, innovation, jobs and more.

Greater Phoenix: Greater Together

LinkedIn Group: Connect further by joining local business leaders and professionals to share resources and expertise in the Greater Phoenix: Greater Together group.

Brand Hashtags


Celebrate Greater Phoenix collaboration and innovation.


Share, discover and discuss regional advancements and news.


Discover local culture and opportunity or share what you love about Greater Phoenix.

Boiler Plate

About Greater Phoenix Economic Council

The Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC), globally recognized as a top economic development organization (EDO), works to attract and grow quality businesses and advocate for the competitiveness of Greater Phoenix. A data-driven regional EDO, GPEC works with 22 member communities, Maricopa and Pinal counties, and more than 220 private investors to accomplish its mission and serve as a strategic partner to companies across the world as they expand or relocate to Greater Phoenix. Over the past 35 years, GPEC has fueled the regional economy by helping over 1,000 companies, creating nearly 190,000 jobs and $69.4 billion in capital investment. Greater Phoenix is in a relentless pursuit of innovative and entrepreneurial-focused companies looking to thrive and scale in a vibrant, dynamic region. There is an undeniable spirit about Greater Phoenix; one rooted in strength, collaboration and resilience. Greater Phoenix is Greater Together. For more information about GPEC and how we can assist your businesses, visit

Writing Style Guidelines

Brand References

Use the below guidelines when writing about GPEC as an organization.

  • Always use “the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC)” on first mention.
  • Use “GPEC” on second and repeating mentions
  • Never use “the GPEC”


Regional References

Use the framework outlined below when writing about GPEC’s work or regional developments.

  • Always use “Greater Phoenix,” unless referring directly to the city of Phoenix.
  • Never refer to “Greater Phoenix” as “Phoenix”
    • One of the member communities is the City of Phoenix
    • “Greater Phoenix” is the region that encompasses the 22 member communities
  • Use Maricopa County or Pinal County if referring to them separately; if together, “county” should be lowercase
  • Always use “region” only by itself. Never “the Greater Phoenix region”
  • Never “T/the Greater Phoenix,” “Greater Phoenix Area,” or “Valley”


Personnel References

Follow current AP Style when referring to individual personnel.

  • Always capitalize a person’s title when placed before their name
    • Example: “The President & CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, Chris Camacho, says Greater Phoenix has 22 member cities and towns.”
  • Never capitalize titles after names
    • Example: “Martha Miner, GPEC’s vice president of human resources, says Greater Phoenix is the best place to live and work.”


Recent Press Releases

See all published press releases at

Recent Blog Posts

See all published blogs at

As Seen In…

With US Chips Act Money Mostly Divvied Up, the Real Test Begins

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Les recettes de l’Amérique de Biden pour réindustrialiser le pays

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Please contact with any questions or if additional information is needed.