

What makes Greater Phoenix so great: Jeffrey Luth

What is your first and last name?  Jeffrey Luth  How old are you?  68  What city do you currently reside in?  Scottsdale  How long have you lived in Greater Phoenix?   19 years  Where are you originally from and why’d you decide to move to Arizona?  I was born and bred in New Jersey. Corporate relocation […]

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Meet Digital Dawn: Phoenix-based company, map app developers

As a region, we’re on a relentless pursuit of innovation and technology, and companies here are committed to changing the game. It’s all about people, place and tech in Greater Phoenix. Learn more about Digital Dawn, LLC’s story from their founder, Brian Redd. What is your company mission?  Brian Redd: Save the trees! By… replacing venue (e.g., […]

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What makes Greater Phoenix so great: Ryan Nouis

What is your first and last name?  Ryan Nouis How old are you?  49 What city do you currently reside in?  Chandler How long have you lived in Greater Phoenix?  23 years Where are you originally from and why’d you decide to move to Arizona?  Minnesota. I was transferred here for a promotion and couldn’t […]

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Fireside Chat: How Rogers Corporation built upon its...

Moving a company across state lines, let alone across the country, is a complicated process that requires an immense amount of strategic and logistical planning. Such an endeavor can seem overwhelming, but Rogers Corporation is proof that it can be done.   Rogers Corporation had been based in Connecticut for 184 years and was a $350 million company. In […]

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What makes Greater Phoenix so great: Aly Halbakken

What is your first and last name?  Aly Halbakken How old are you?  22 What city do you currently reside in?  Tempe How long have you lived in Greater Phoenix?  4 years Where are you originally from and why’d you decide to move to Arizona?  I am originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I decided to move […]

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Fireside Chat: World-class education enhances Greater...

Greater Phoenix’s world-class educational institutions are a fundamental cornerstone of our thriving economy. After all, no business-focused community would be able to achieve consistent economic development in the long-term without substantial investments in its most important asset –– its people. If there’s one person who sees how education leads to economic growth daily, it’s Karrin Taylor Robson.  […]

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What makes Greater Phoenix so great: Tom Argiro

What is your first and last name?   Tom Argiro How old are you?  57 What city do you currently reside in?  North Phoenix How long have you lived in Greater Phoenix?  23 years Where are you originally from and why’d you decide to move to Arizona?  Originally from Columbus, Ohio, I came out here in […]

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A man talks to a group of people at a large table

Fireside Chat: Entrepreneurial insights that drive...

Staying power has become an inescapable issue in today’s economy as the speed of technological growth continues to increase. Maintaining viability is a challenge that businesses must regularly fight if they are to remain at the top of their market. According to McKinsey, in 2000, the average age of the top 10 companies on the S&P 500 was […]

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Meet M3F: Nonprofit music festival in Phoenix

A conversation with M3F™ Festival Manager, Heather Rogers Tell us about your company: Heather Rogers: M3F™ is a 100% nonprofit music festival that was established in 2004 and has become a musical destination for festivalgoers. The festival has attracted visitors to Arizona with previous acts such as Odesza, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Empire of […]

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Fireside Chat: Community investment benefits the business...

The Business Roundtable, a nonprofit organization formed by executive members of the top 200 companies in America to give guidance to U.S. corporations, released their 2019 Principles of Corporate Governance report in August 2019. This report was significant because the definition of a corporation’s purpose was changed for the first time since 1997. The document’s language […]

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