Greater Phoenix Economic Council refreshes brand on 30th anniversary
Published: 10/09/2019
Updated: 06/14/2023
We are ecstatic to announce that we refreshed the brand of our economic development organization with a new logo, tagline, colors and tone. For the past decade we have proudly carried our golden logo, however, just like Greater Phoenix, we aren’t the same as we were 10 years ago. As this region has expanded in size and skill, our organization has too, and we think it’s time that our image reflects the kind of monumental change that is occurring throughout the region.
After months of deliberation and strategy we modernized our image with the insight and feedback from our board, mayors, local community members, business leaders and more. The one thing that stood out from every interview and poll was that the collaboration that happens in our region is truly special. That as a region, we’re able to accomplish so much more because of the connected way we work together.
This region is a place where it’s easy to be new. It’s also a place where networking and teamwork are vital for survival within start-ups and established organizations. Especially in recent years, we have witnessed the collaboration of colleges, businesses and municipalities working together to improve the lives around them. Regional partnerships like the City of Chandler and Waymo’s autonomous vehicle ride hailing program and Arizona State University’s Starbucks College Achievement Plan further prove that point. Our organization was born out of groups in Greater Phoenix realizing that they work better together.
While our logo, color scheme and website design have changed, our mission to attract and grow quality businesses, and advocate for the competitiveness of Greater Phoenix has not wavered. In fact, we are amplifying these efforts. As the fastest growing market in the U.S., we must remain competitive today and one step ahead of tomorrow.
From July 2017 to July 2018, Greater Phoenix welcomed 62,000 new residents, the most of any metro in America during those twelve months. Although Greater Phoenix has been touted to outside markets for our great weather and strong real estate market, we are so much more than that. This region is becoming a destination for emerging technologies, including autonomous vehicles, cybersecurity, medical technology, blockchain, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearables.
In 1988, Barron’s ran an article titled, “Phoenix Descending: Is Boomtown U.S.A. going bust?”. Although this wasn’t a good thing at the time, it later revealed the true character of the people of Greater Phoenix. Character rooted in connectedness, innovation and a readiness to take swift action.
Here at the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, we’re proud to say that we were born out of this moment of truth and 30 years later, we’re still as dedicated to connectedness, innovation and action as our original founders.
Our region has shown that it doesn’t matter where you’re from, this is where you belong. Greater Phoenix has advanced and this community has proven that time and time again, we are greater together.